
About BodyTalk Access


!0 Reasons why Everyone Needs BodyTalk Access

  1. Stressed? Anxious? An antidote to bring more calm and relaxation into your daily life...
  2. Cold? Flu? Digestive Issues? An opportunity to avoid the virus of the month...
  3. Muscle pain and tension? Improve circulation, cellular hydration and joint alignment...
  4. PARENT SURVIVAL KIT for those moments...
  5. For the family's "Injury du jour": Bee sting? burn? cut? sprain? A simple and miraculous first aid treatment!
  6. Sleep better
  7. Improve focus, concentration, recall...Student Survival Kit
  8. Optimize performance...Athletes, Artists, Professionals
  9. Accelerate your healing...take matters into your own hands.
  10. Boost your practice...Healthcare practitioners
  11. A gateway to a new career...

Access is offered regularly in Santa Cruz. Check back for course dates!