Fall - Winter 2017 Schedule of Webinar Meeting Times:
(10 - 11:30am PST - Pacific Standard Time)
November 27
December 11, 18
January 8, 22
February 5, 12
March 5, 19
Office Hours (12-1pm Pacific):
Jan 16, Feb 20, Mar 27
Epigenetics Master Group
Register now! Starts Nov. 27
Course Overview:
Epigenetics is the study of how our lifestyles: diet, trauma, exercise, toxins, infections, spiritual practice, etc lock our physiology into states of imbalance or radical well being. BodyTalk is the key to unlock these states of imbalance and this group will give you the tools, and practice to integrate these transformative strategies immediately into your work with clients.
In this 3-month online training, Laura will teach the theory and practical application of epigenetics for BodyTalkers. The longer format allows students to integrate the terms, concepts and practice techniques with feedback and mentoring from Laura along the way. An opportunity to work in an international community of practitioners and learn in this engaging format!
9 Lectures, 90 minute each in webinar meetings format.
3 Office Hours, one hour each in same webinar format for Q&A.
Treatment Intensive blocks for session demos
Case study Sessions from Laura:
There are limited session spots available as part of the group practicals: please click HERE to learn more.
Student Practice Teams
Students will be grouped into compatible teams (by timezone and practice level) to trade practice sessions for the master group focused assignments and discuss course material.
Meeting Access
Attend live (in Santa Cruz), live online, OR listen/watch later.
All meetings will be hosted via Zoom. You will get the complete details before the first lecture.
If you miss a meeting it will be available within 48 hours for you to watch.
All recordings are available to you indefinitely on this website.
Private Facebook group to post questions and session notes. Laura will be monitoring, answering questions and commenting on your session notes throughout the 4 months.
** If you have taken the first Master Group or a live Evolve Epigenetics class, you are considered a monitor!