Mod 4: Communicators Immersion


This communicator immersion is designed for communicator students who want to:

  • Bring up their level of mastery in the balancing hormones and neurotransmitters in their clinical practice in a small group mentoring atmosphere (limited to 20 students, LIVE attendance only): 
  • Dr Laura will do a series of treatments demonstrating her BodyTalk strategies for balancing hormone levels, rhythms, interactions, receptors.
  • Students will practice in pairs and groups. 
  • All students will get instructor mentoring on their sessions in this small group atmosphere.
  • Emphasis will be both on understanding the communicators, improving your proficiency of communicator work in client sessions and explaining communicator sessions to clients.

Mod 4 of the Communicator Series

Mod 1: Meet the Communicators: Hormones and Neurotransmitters 101 

(the pre-req, offered June 14th AND/OR as an e-course)

Mod 2: Communicators of Stress/Relaxation - June 15-16th, 2018

Mod 3: Communicators of Weight & Metabolism - Oct 29-31st, 2018

Mod 4: Communicator Immersion - Nov 1-2nd, 2018

Pre-requisites: BodyTalk Fundamentals, 2 or more of the Communicators courses 

Recommended: BodyEcology, Epigenetics, Mod6

Attendance Option: Live ONLY, Livestream option may open up in the future

*Limited to 20 participants Live Attendance

IBA CEU: not available